April 11, 2024

Captain:s Log, Day 96

Several Jeep trails and some hiking. On Monday we headed to Potash road with the thought of finding a spot to watch the solar eclipse. We did not have the solar glasses but had our camera and phones to get a picture. Needless to say we did not see any eclipse nor did the sky darken along our route. We did get to the end of the trail, turned around and followed in reverse back to Moab. 

single spire along route

solar eclipse NOT

Earth Movers picking up Potash from fields

As you leave Moab on the way to the trail we did stop and look at some of the pictoglyphs on the rock walls along the Colorado River. This area is also famous for rock climbing. On any given day you will see climbers line the roadway to ascend the sheer walls. About a year ago one female climber saved the life of a parachutist who's shoot got caught on a ledge about 70 feet above the road. The climber went up, secured the guy and brought him safely to the ground. She just received an award for that.


Climbers on rock wall.

On Tuesday we did some hiking at a dinosaur trail. There were a number of plaques on the first part of the trail telling us where to look to see the fossil remains of dinosaur bones. It was interesting to see but would have never recognized them without it be pointed out to us. We (I) ventured off the trail a bit continuing up the side of the mountain. It was deep sand and difficult to climb but we made it. 

hard climb


wild rhubarb

gray area is fossilized dinosaur bone

wild flowers in bloom

The view from on top was magnificent. We circled about for a while all the time looking for a trail out. It took a bit of doing but we eventually found a way down and back to the car.  We were on the trail for over an hour but Diane did not have her 5000 steps so she headed down the road while I packed things up. I did pick her up on the way out :).

Yesterday we to the Wilson Road trail that leads into the back entrance of Arches National Park. It a Jeep trail and you need 4x4 and high clearance to navigate the trail. This is the second time on the trail but there is a connecting trail that will take us to the  Elephants Eye and Tower Arch. 


Old Fart

stone wall climb

Looking through the eye

Elephants Eye under the arch.

Most of the connecting trail is listed as moderate except for the end which is difficult. There were other vehicles on the trail so we ventured on. The Elephants Eye was a short hike and a climb up the stone wall to the eye, You have to climb up at the steep angle which seems easier than the climb down the same wall. 

 The trail from this point was rough with many stone ledges to overcome. Diane had to spot me several times so that I would take the correct path up or down the ledges. I don't believe we bottomed out at all which is always a plus. 

Tower Arch was more than a hike. You had to climb over and down rock formation to get to the arch. Diane stayed in the Jeep with Buddy as he is not allowed on the trail in the National Park. I got turned around several times trying to find my way to the arch. You think you are on the right trail until you find a 15 to 20 foot drop so you turn around and go another way. The arch was huge and I managed to climb up under the arch. I did leave a small amount of Daryl's ashes under the arch. 

Several parts of the trail goes between rock walls wide enough for one person.

                 Tower Arch


  This last leg of the trail was the more difficult section but with Diane spotting and the tires aired down we managed to get over, up and across all the ledges and obstacles in our path. This trail also leads us into the National Park so we aired up our tires before getting on the roadway and heading back to the campground. This was close to the 7 hour day on the trails. Life is Good in a Jeep.


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