February 16, 2024


On Thursday we took a drive to Roswell, NM expecting to see a small town but it turns out is has 40,000 people. We did not know what to expect but did locate the downtown with all it's Alien shops. We went to the UFO Museum which had the history of the 1947 crash of a Weather Balloon i.e. space craft. 

There was a lot of information posted from eye witnesses and military personal with Secret Documents signed by President Harry Thurman. We spent about an hour and came to the conclusion that the THING (the place we visited last year) was more entertaining. 


Today we decided to head back to the Buffalo Gap Falls and do some hiking. It was 64 degrees and sunny with a nice breeze. We hiked up the stone path to the top of the mountain. We were out for 1 1/2 hours and walked until we encountered a Angus Cow on the path. He and I had a stare down for about 5 minutes, he lost and bowed his head. 

Had to turn around at this point as the cow was not moving.

Took this photo, looked liked teeth embedded in the rock.


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