March 29, 2023

Yesterday we took a drive up Cedar Canyon Mountain. We tried this once before several weeks back but it was snowing quite hard and decided to turn around. Yesterday, however, was a beautiful day with temps in the 40's when we started up the mountain. Temps dropped to 34 when we reached the summit at 9200 feet. That is 5000 feet higher than where we are camped. 

The snow was deep along the highway and we saw two large snow blowers cutting through the snow on the shoulders of the roadway. At one point on the highway there were two Snow Cats pushing snow back farther off the shoulders. They made a mess of the highway and reduced the road to one lane for a bit. 

Utah has seen record snowfall this year as you can see from the pictures and video. 

We stopped and looked out over the valley below. Breathtaking!

This video below is from Duck Creek a small town at the summit. Most of the town is inaccessible during the winter months as the roads are not cleared. This is the only road we found and a gas station and ACE hardware were open. 

Most buildings are covered in snow.

That black patch in the middle of the pictures is the fender of a pickup truck.

We came across this snow blower stuck along the road as we came down the mountain. Looks like he got off the shoulder a bit. I believe the plow will be going back to help him out.



A good thing that the truck has the cutting arms above the blower to slice his way through.

This year is the first year we have seen another Reatta XL on the road or in a campsite. We were surprised when we saw one at Zion River Resort but more surprised when another one pulled in next to us here at the Orchards RV Park.


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