March 15, 2023

Raining all day today, 95% chance of rain they say; they are right for a change. Working on this blog, making dried pork in the oven; Thought I would see if it works to dehydrate the meat. Marinated it overnight and it did not turn out to bad. Used pork as we still have quite a bit in the freezer.  

 On Monday we found a hiking trail not too from from the campground. It was about 11 miles long, longer than we would walk, but we decided to see how far we could go. We walked until there was a water crossing and decided to turn around and head back. We got our 6000 steps in so we were good.

Yesterday we headed back into Zion; the scenic drive was closed to everything but shuttle busses. It is the start of spring break and there is a lot of people here this time of the year. We kept driving to Bryce Canyon, stopped a half dozen places along the canyon and did a little hiking. We got close to 5000 steps in. 


Water is where we [meaning Diane] draw the line, you can always find a spot to cross but why chance getting wet. Old people don't smell well when wet:)

Wanted to travel past the south entrance so we took a little road trip stopping for lunch at the Thunderbird restaurant in Mount Carmel, Utah. They are recognized for their pies.  However; it being national PI day they only had 2 slices of pie in the case. And we did not order any.

The trip back to Virgin was about 1 1/2 hours taking us through Kaibab Indian Reservation. It is 187 sq.mi. and has less than 200 residents. We had to drive into Colorado to get back to St. George then on to Virgin, Utah.  We timed it well as it started to rain when we arrived back at the campgrounds. 


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