January 18, 2023

Our stay in Study Butte was great. Temps in the mid to upper 70's with sunshine every day. We spent time in Big Bend National Park and found another back country trail zigzagging up the side of a mountain, which was calling my name. 9 miles of trails in an hour. We ended up on a dirt road which lead us back to the highway about 25 miles from Study Butte. 


By the Rio Grande

We also stopped several times at our favorite restaurant in Terlingua for lunch, La Posada Milagro. Best part was the Mexican Coke. 

 Our next stop was close to Alpine, TX. We had never stayed at this campsite before and may never again but for 4 nights it was OK. Problem is the sand spurs. They were plentiful  and Buddy did not like it as he had a tough time doing his job without get them on his feet. We had to take off our shoes when coming in the coach and pull the spurs from the soles of our shoes. The park was small, only about 12 spots, and we never saw the owners. The best part of the campground was going outside after dark and looking at the night sky and the stars. Diane reminded me that there was no cell service or internet.

                                            Javalina about 50 yards from our campsite.


We did manage to do some hiking in the hills behind the University. We had been there back in 2019 and found the trails a bit harder this year. Age had nothing to do with it, we are just out of shape. 

This desk is at the end of the longest trail. We signed it back in 2019 and again on this trip. Students from the University carried it up here in 1981.


We left there on the 16th and arrived at our current spot in Las Cruces, NM. We will be here for a month. The weather is only in the low 50's during the day and upper 20's and low 30's at night. We were hopping for a bit warmer weather.  

Night sky in Study Butte

Things you see on the back roads

three wheeler

                                                                    Someone's home


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