December 5, 2022

We have been at SPI since last Thursday and it was a foggy start to our time here. Yesterday was the first day that we did not have to deal with the fog. With the fog came high humidity so the air conditioners were running most of the time. Temperatures now are in the mid 70's to low 80's and should remain that way for the next 7 days. 

Last Friday we went to the Christmas Parade and as you can see from the pictures it was difficult to see with the heavy fog. We found a great spot to sit, have dinner and watch the parade, but could not see any of the kids and bands or what the floats really looked like because of the fog. 


That is fog behind Diane.

this is our view sitting across the street.

On Saturday we walked to the end of the parking lot of the campground to watch the boat parade however, we got gypped again. Parade was supposed to start around 6 pm so we got there around 5:45 pm, boats had already gone by and there was only 5 boats in the parade.  So we did the next best thing; sat on the deck with our cocktail and waited for the fireworks which came at around 9:15 pm. They lasted for about 60 seconds :( Bummer; we are 3 for 3. Oh well did I tell you about the temperature for the next week :)

We finally made it on the beach yesterday and spend several hours walking the shoreline picking up some shells. The UFO bulb and a number of other buoys were seen on shore. It looked like many of the dunes have disappeared  along with the huge rectangle tank that sat in the water a couple of years ago. They have also added a small shack at access #6 so I expect they will soon start to charge to drive onto the beach. 


Waking barefoot in the water.

Always amazed at how the sand moved around the shells.

    Tried a new breakfast of eggs inside peppers. Did not come out right but still tasted good.



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