
Showing posts from December, 2022
 December 29, 2022 Been a couple of weeks since I updated this blog so lets try to recap the last several weeks. Cold as hell for a few days just like the rest of the country. Dropped down to 33 degrees several nights with high in the upper 30's to low 40's. Went through about 25 gallons of propane during the cold spell. Wind was blowing at around 40-50 miles per hour. RV shook throughout the night, not our fault!                                                   We tried to drive the 30 miles on the beach on a better day after the cold spell but only got 11 miles because of high water. Jelly fish lined the beach, seeing several hundred lying dead.  We had gone to the Turtle place on SPI, educational and home to the sea turtle hospital. They had a temporary hospital set up because of the cold coming. When the water temperature drops to 50 degrees the turtles are "cold-stunned", float to the surface and cannot raise their head to breath, so they drown. Rescue personne
 December 14, 2022 Been a great week in SPI. Weather has been in the high 70's with high humidly. We have gone to the beach several times. Drove 22 miles east on the beach seeing pelicans and a lot of junk washed up on the beach including several big ocean markers. Many are new this visit. We also saw a coyote running on the beach, first time seeing one here.      This past Sunday we stood in the area were Pier 19 was before it burned down last year to watch as the lighthouse on Port Isabel was lit for the first time in 117 years. We were 2 miles across the bay but could still see it once lit.                                                        You need to watch the whole video and you should see the light. Crane on top of light. We made a liquor run this past week as I found my Lismore scotch in McAllen TX an hour and 15 minutes away. With nothing else to do we thought why not take a drive. We also did some other shopping and stopped at Hooters for lunch. Hooters was better whe
 December 5, 2022 We have been at SPI since last Thursday and it was a foggy start to our time here. Yesterday was the first day that we did not have to deal with the fog. With the fog came high humidity so the air conditioners were running most of the time. Temperatures now are in the mid 70's to low 80's and should remain that way for the next 7 days.  Last Friday we went to the Christmas Parade and as you can see from the pictures it was difficult to see with the heavy fog. We found a great spot to sit, have dinner and watch the parade, but could not see any of the kids and bands or what the floats really looked like because of the fog.    That is fog behind Diane. this is our view sitting across the street. On Saturday we walked to the end of the parking lot of the campground to watch the boat parade however, we got gypped again. Parade was supposed to start around 6 pm so we got there around 5:45 pm, boats had already gone by and there was only 5 boats in the parade.  So w