Sky Lift 

March 19, 2021

Today, in the rain and fog we decided to head back into Gatlinburg to walk the Sky Bridge.

(Diane saw it on a commercial last night, we didn't know about it until then)

This bridge is the longest suspension bridge in North America. It stretches 650' across a deep valley in a single span.  At the mid-point it is 150' above the valley. In the middle of the bridge there is a section 30 feet long made of glass so you can look straight down as you walk over it. Totally different perspective. 

Because of the weather, Diane and I were the only ones on the bridge as we walked to the other end. On a nice sunny day it may be wall to wall people, so the shitty weather worked to our benefit. 

To get to the bridge you had to take a ski lift to the top. Because of the rain, you had a wet ass by the time you get to the top and again coming back down sitting on the wet benches.


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