March 25, 2021

We are at Sheltowee  Trace Adventure Resort between Williamsburg and Corbin Kentucky. Small RV park that has a large area for group tent camping and picnicking. They also have  canoe trips and zip line in season. A section with small cabins and another area with covered wagons you can rent for a night. 

We are located on the Copperhead Trail which is a great ride for anyone on a motorcycle. It twists and turns through the hillside. It is even a great ride in the Jeep. As we drove the Trail we ended up at the Cumberland Falls State Park. Yesterday we decided to hike the area, what a great place to visit nature. 

The water falls is 125 feet wide by 65 feet high. Second only to Niagara Falls. We were amazed at the amount of trash that comes over the falls and ends up along the shore. Maybe I should be amazed because there is so much trash along the sides of the road throughout Kentucky. Guess nobody cares on how it looks to others coming into their state. 

The hike was alongside the river bank up hill and down. The park service is working on a staircase that will lead to a beach area along the river which will be great for future visitors. We climbed up and down the hills and some steep stairways to get close to the water. We could have hiked for 13 miles if we wanted but chose to keep our hike to an hour. If we ever get back to this area we will spend more time here. 

This is what you do with hot dogs when you are bored (as seen on Face Book).  Hot dog, egg and cheese. Tasted great, and Diane liked the shape.


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