Fat Tuesday 

February 16, 2021

F...in cold. 25 degrees when we got up this morning. We are in better shape than our friends in South Padre Island. They have been without water and electric for two days. Texas was hit with cold, snow and ice. Lot of accidents and complete roadway shutdown. 

Here, I had planned on going to visit Historic Fort Morgan but had to twist someone's arm to convince her to go out in the cold. It was 27 degrees when we got to the Fort. We were not alone as there were other crazy people out there. If you were within the walls of the fort and facing the sun it wasn't bad :) 

We spent about an hour and half walking around outside. Always amazed at the structures of the Fort. Millions of bricks, tons of mortar and concrete. It was built by 200 slaves from local plantations. 

hand prints imbedded in the wall.

Icicle's hanging in the openings for canons. 

coming out of the shadows

Yes it is cold.

We stopped at Hazel's Nook for lunch; a small round building and old style diner. They had a buffet lunch with mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken and everything else you wanted to eat. We carried our mask in but was told we didn't need them. Only a few people inside and seating 10 feet apart, 

After we got back to the RV, we got a call from Dale and Judy who were on Johnson Beach walking along the shore line. Diane and I hopped in the Jeep and joined them. Dale and I started to walk to the end of the beach but after a long walk it looked like we still had a mile to go. Knowing that we already walked well over a mile and have to go back, we decided to turn around and see what happenned to Diane and Judy. They were busy looking for shells and were well behind us. 

This guy may have been frozen as he did not care how close you got, he wasn't moving.

white sand beach

It was about 35 degrees but with the sun on the sand it felt like it was 37 degrees, ha ha. Judy had a pocket full of little shells so we headed back to our cars, condo and coach. 


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