Mathis, TX

 December 6, 2020

We left Waco, TX on the 4th and made our way to Mathis which is just north of Corpus Christie, TX. But before leaving Waco we drove around "Chip & Jo's" Magnolia Market. People were parked a block away. It is a big complex.

Just outside of Mathis, we are staying at the Wilderness Lakes RV Resort for 9 days then headed to South Padre Island. We drove around Mathis today, per capital income must be low as many of the homes are run down and in need of repair. This park has 162 sites many of which are permanent residents, some living here year round, others just show up in the winters months but lease all year. 

Travel so far has been good except coming through Dallas and Austin where there is a lot of construction going on. Most highway traffic was light except by the big cities. Hwy 69 sucks as there are many potholes. 

My parts for the tow brake controller for the Jeep should arrive early next week, so I will be spending some time bent over on the floor board getting that installed. Not as flexible as I used to be but we will get it done:)


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