And we are off once again.

 November 30, 2020

Saturday morning, we finished packing the RV and hooked up the Jeep for our 2020 trip south. It was 7:10 am when we headed out the driveway. As I expected, traffic was light believing that most travelers were not headed home until Sunday from the long Thanksgiving holiday. We planned to get through St. Louis, MO and did, ending up in Villa Ridge, MO. We made about 450 miles. We stayed at the Pin Oak Creek RV Park: a big park but gravel drives and campsites. Good for one night.

                                                Tank outside VFW hall in Wagoner, OK

        Eagle must have been hurt and was being rehabbed in cage at Sequoyah State Park.  

Sunday was a big difference on the highway as the traffic was heavy with semis and cars. It was an overcast day with some light rain. We made a couple of stops for lunch and fuel. Had a chance to use my EFS fuel discount card, which pulls from your checking account. So far so good. 

We were looking for a COE (core of engineers) park but the GPS location did not allow me to get into the park. We drove a bit further and came across the Sequoyah State Park in Hulbert, OK. Beautiful roadways and concrete pads with full hook up. We decided to stay two days. 

                                            Overlooking water at State Park.

Good thing as the battery on the Jeep was dead. Also found that the braking system on the Jeep was broke. It is used to assist the RV in stopping in emergency. I will have to look into what it will take to get working soon. We can drive without it but will have to pay closer attention to braking.   

December 2, 2020

We are in Waco TX at a COE Park. Great park and lucky to get in, as most of the sites are booked solid for the rest of the month. We are here for 3 days.

                                                    Airport Park in Waco, TX

                                            Full moon over the water, just a beautiful night.

 I pulled the dash apart today and was on the phone with the Tec for about an hours trying to find out why my camera system isn't working.  Ended up talking to the manufacturer and they are going to ship me a new screen once we get to South Padre Island on the 13th. 

                                                                        This sucks!
I still haven't looked at the braking system to see what the problem is there, perhaps another day as it is raining out now. 

Eating lots of leftover turkey, thanks to the families. Had to break it up with pizza night last night.


  1. All looks beautiful! Happy trails you two.

  2. So jealous you two! Looks so beautiful. Hope you get everything fixed, but enjoy the trip and all will work out! Stay safe! Love ya

  3. So jealous you two! Looks so beautiful. Hope you get everything fixed, but enjoy the trip and all will work out! Stay safe! Love ya


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