December 26, 2020

Celebrated Christmas here in South Padre Island. Unbelievable wind of 48 miles an hour. RV was rocking all night. Had to pull one slide in about 4 am. Couldn't sleep because of the noise.


There were lots of palm tree branches laying around the park after the wind storm.

Looking for the best shells. I look better when you can't see me:)

Junk on the beach

on the hunt

Stumps sticking out of sand.

They call it the UFO. Printed on its side is Nude Beach. This thing that is maybe 10 foot in diameter was about 200 feet closer to the water last year. We did see one nude, 60-something year old guy, on the beach getting his fishing gear ready. (Diane didn't get a picture)

More junk. These are huge buoy markers that have washed ashore.  Along with all the other trash you can find, and there is a lot.

Buddy loves rolling in the sand face first.

Dinner at Pier 19 next to campground this past week. We saw two dolphins swimming as we looked out the window.
this family was building a sand castle on the beach, they looked like pros.

The star in the middle is the Jupiter & Saturn eclipse.

Beauty & the Beach

Log with all shells attached on the beach.

We had Christmas Dinner at The Meatball Cafe with our friends. Dinner was OK, friends better.



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