
Showing posts from March, 2024
 March 28, 2024 Captain Log, Day 82 This was an exciting week. We did two Safaris this week, both were Number 3 trails. Trails go up to 8 with those the most dangerous. The first trail was called the Lost World Trail and this year was the first year it was open. So we were on the inaugural run. We started lining up Monday at 8:30 and by 9 there were 25 vehicles mostly Jeeps.  We then head to a spot closer to the trail and have a safety meeting, then we air down our tires. I reduced air pressure down to 31 PSI, others will go down to 15 PSI. This is the first time we have reduced air pressure. The trail was to be roughly 28 miles off road. It ended up to be closer to 40 miles.  We were on a #3 trail last year and expected something similar. Brings to mind the saying: "An adventure is what you get when you expect something else". Ted's favorite saying.   The trail started in sand but quickly turned to rock or stone and climbing up and going down the mountains. At one of the
 March 24, 2024 Captain Log, Day 78 This past week was exciting as we ventured out to Canyon-land National Park. We have never been there before and did not know what to expect. We entered park around 10:30 am and took the first dirt road to the left , not knowing were it would take us. It did not take long to realize we were on (for the most part) a single lane road crisscrossing back and forth down the mountain side.  We later found out it was a 1400 foot drop to the bottom. Our worst fear was to meet someone on the road. If you saw them in time there were wider spots to accommodate two vehicles. I was in 4 wheel low most of the way down to preserve my brakes. Of course you don't need them if you go over the side.  This is the way down, keep in mind that one road lies directly below the other. The picture doesn't do justice to the sheer drop. Once at the bottom, the road is fairly flat and circles around the rim of the lower canyon which was another 1000 foot drop. We also ca