
Showing posts from January, 2024
January 21, 2024   Yesterday we spent five hours listening to Blues music in Luckenbach, TX . Every hour there was a new group on stage. Some better than others, or should I say different styles. At least two of the groups were locals (near Luckenbach), one guy was from Austin. The temperature outside was 38 to 41 degrees. Inside the stage house the temp was close to the outside temp. We managed to get a seat in front of a ceiling heater so if you stood up you could warm up a bit. However most of the day was sitting on a cold chair, drinking beer and heading to the restroom.  Overall it was a good entertaining day. People watching was also in order.                                                                              Stage Acts line up.
 January 20, 2024 Would you believe we went from daytime highs in the 20's and 30's to a high yesterday of 76. Today we are at 34. Expecting cold through Sunday then rain for the next 4 days.  We spent part of the day yesterday in Luckenbach, TX listening to several country singers and having several beers. Sitting outside in a T-shirt (today it is winter jackets).   Saturday they are having a Blue's Festival with singers on several stages. Weather may be a problem as high's will be in the lower 40's. Warmer then Ice Fishing back in Wisconsin :) On Monday we are heading to Terlingua, TX near the Big Bend National Park. We changed our itinerary hoping to get to some warmer weather for a couple of weeks. This will also let me try out the Jeep on some dirt roads in the park. 😎😁
 January 16, 2024 14 degrees this morning with water lines froze up. Will have to make a run to the Propane guy again today as we are going through one full tank of Propane each day. Of course in this weather there is nothing else to do. We hope to get to Luckenback, TX this week and on the weekend they have their Blues Festival, It will be up to 70 degrees Thursday then back to the 40's for the weekend. It will be like a heat wave. 
 January 14, 2024   On January 7th we loaded up and set our on our Winter Adventure.  "Adventure" is thee key word. As we drove through Kewaskum a black cat ran across the road right in from of us. Maybe we should have turned around them but we did not.  As we turned on to South HWY 43 we came across a very recent roll-over with several cars parked alongside the highway. No police or rescue personnel present and we had to drive through a debris field, hearing the crunching of plastic under our wheels. Then as we headed down the highway, a semi truck tried to run me off the road. He was about half way past me and decided to move into my lane. I hit the brakes and pulled to the side. Day one was an adventure. We stayed Eagleville, Missouri that night. 461 miles the first day. We were the only camper in the campground. Snow on the ground and 26 degrees. We only pushed the bed side out, hoping things would not freeze up.                                                        Red