
Showing posts from April, 2023
 April 22, 2023 We did make one more stop before we hightail it for home tomorrow.  Before we left Santa Fe, we did return to downtown for lunch and to walk around the plaza area. We stopped at a retailer that had old and unique wood products for sale. Most of the items were imported from Asian counties. Many doors and other items can be found here.    We also made a stop in what may be my favorite shop in Santa Fe. I could not refuse to purchase this after negotiating with the clerk.   That was it for me, spent my fun money. Now we are in Shamrock, TX which is noted for having the gas station that was pictured in the movie "Cars". The town itself is a bit run down as it sits on old Hwy Route 66 and many buildings are boarded up. It is 11:30 on Saturday and all the shops are closed. We had a hard time finding any restaurant open. Only one, the Farm House Cafe, and the food and service was great. Small place but a must stop if ever we are ever in this area again.  Other things
 April 19, 2023 We are in Santa Fe, NM currently, as we start our way home. Went down town to the Plaza of Santa Fe Monday and looked around the shops. This is a very artsy area and the prices reflect that. But the area attracts tourist from all over the country. One of the shops had all sort of metal art, large and small figures. Almost purchased a small one for $$$ but decided against it. Beautiful stuff though.  We visited the Loretto Chapel in down town which is noted for the spiral staircase that goes up to the choir loft. It was made without nails by a carpenter who only had a hammer and a carpenter's square. The staircase is known as the "miraculous staircase" because it has two complete 360 degrees turns with no center pole for structural support.  He finished the work then left without thanks or payment and remains unknown to this day. The type of wood has been identified as a type of spruce that is not native to New Mexico and scientifically not identified anywh
 April 15, 2023 Well so much has happened over the last few days that I will try to catch us up.  The time in Moab went so fast as we were out and about everyday hiking or driving the trails. After the Safari Jeep drive we headed up the mountain to Chicken Corner. This was an edge of the mountain drive and once on the top we had to climb over an elevated rock pile to get down the other side to Chicken Corner.  Chicken Corner ledge to my right. Sign to Chicken Corner It is called that because there is a pike that you can walk out on and stand at the edge. We chose not to do so. We were on this trail for about 4 hours. We met another couple from Maine that spend a month in Moab every year. They have been doing so for many years. They did not venture over the top of the mountain as they had a rental car.  The views from this was magnificent. Buddy was with us and spent the entire time on the floor in the back seat.   We then took a drive through Arches National Park to check out where we